DUI 1st Offense
Resolved Cases
State v. R.L.
Domestic Violence Injunction Violation
State v. E.F.
Possession of Cannabis
State v. AS
State v. J.R.
Defendant charged with aggravated battery and stalking
State v. J.S
Defendant was charged with 1 count of DUI causing property damage. Defendant then was arrested for another separate case of DUI. Attorney Grant Schwarz was able to successfully show that the arresting officer for the first case violated the law when conducing her investigation. The Result was a reduction from DUI to a lesser misdemeanor…
State v. A.C.
Defendant charged with Felony Resisting a Police Officer with violence and Disorderly Conduct. Grant Schwarz was able to reduce the Felony to a misdemeanor. The resulting plea negotiation provided no conviction and eligibility to have the clients record sealed.
State v. C.S.
Defendant charged with Domestic Violence Battery in Broward County. Grant Schwarz pleaded with prosecutors to dismiss the case due to a severe lack of evidence. The stubborn state attorney refused to dismiss the case. Attorney Grant Schwarz prepared for trial came to court prepared to fight. Grant Schwarz provided the prosecution with additional information regarding the…
State v. R.M.
Defendant charged with Felony Possession of Narcotics. Grant Schwarz got involved early on in the process and attempted to make contact with prosecutors handling the filing decision. Attorney Grant Schwarz was ultimately able to have the felony charges dropped to one count of misdemeanor possession of drug paraphernalia. The case was closed without the client…
State v. T.P.
Defendant charged with First Degree Felony Grand Theft. While on probation, the Defendant violated several terms of her probation conditions multiple times. Grant Schwarz was able to negotiate a plea offer requiring the Defendant to serve minimal prison time below the required criminal punishment guidelines.